USC has reason to be hopeful next year

With just two practices and the spring game left before USC football hits pause until fall camp, there’s a new hype surrounding the team. It’s not the pressure and hype of 2012, nor is it the skepticism of 2013. It’s a feeling that, partly due to consistent dominance and partly due to constantly inflated expectations, […]

Internet bug Heartbleed gathers private user information

If you’ve been on the internet recently (guaranteed as you are more than likely a college student reading this column), you’ve likely heard about Heartbleed. It’s scaring nearly every major site and server out there. Though an internet bug isn’t anything new, Heartbleed in particular has had every developer and coder working night shifts to […]

Executive orders a vital step towards equal pay

It was Equal Pay Day. And instead of paying attention during an international relations lecture, I was passionately retweeting the White House.   “‘There are commentators out there saying that the pay gap doesn’t even exist … It’s not a myth, it’s math.’ — President Obama #FairFutureNow,” tweeted President Barack Obama. President Barack Obama signed […]

Finding cold soup for warm weather

The other day, I noticed an odd amount of carrots in my refrigerator and decided to do something with them. Normally I would make carrot cake, but given the fact that I gave up sweets for lent, carrot cake was not an option. Instead, I recalled a warm ginger carrot soup I’d had before but […]