LAX move is a win, but security checks are needed

In an era of divided politics, so-called millennial disenchantment and historically low voter turnout in local and state races, especially within Los Angeles, I feel compelled to contribute to some sort of positive change. But it’s easy for millennials to feel lost and outnumbered by the growing crowd of lackluster politicians who offer hollow promises […]

Students make app to show activities in LA

Marshall School of Business senior Josh Gorokhovsky and his cousin Jeffrey Morgenstein launched their app Oust in the Apple App store this summer, creating a real-time market platform of activities to do and places to go for Angelenos. The process to create Oust has been in the works since 2013. Morgenstein, a UCLA alumnus, taught […]

Pick your poison

Students were able to talk to student leaders and sign up to join organizations today at the annual Involvement Fair on Trousdale Parkway. Various clubs on campus recruited new members from 11:30 a.m. to  2 p.m. by tabling for their respective organizations with sign-up sheets in hand.