Ask Hahney: What’s the point of USG Elections?

  Dear (Hopefully) Young Reader, First, please go register to vote in your state if you haven’t yet. Beyond the USG elections, please vote for issues that directly affect your hometown, home state, federal government, etc. Political apathy does not sit pretty. Now, back to the question at hand — USG Elections. I’m going to […]

My Winter Trip to Japan

I’ve always considered myself a seasoned traveler. But I never realized, how much of a tourist I was. I went to famous places, took pictures, met fellow travelers and ate amazing food, but that was all I did. I’d never taken the time to learn about the places and cultures I encountered. That changed during […]

Monday Motivation

Where did the time go? Another week has passed by in what feels like a second. The craziness of the weekend has left me feeling tired and lazy. Not to mention my bedroom is a mess. I am a mess. I reflect on how I have not completed anything on my weekly checklist yet. Luckily, […]

Show Me the Coffee: Philz Coffee

As I continue to search for hidden, caffeinated gems, Philz Coffee emerges above the rest. This coffeehouse is truly the antithesis of typical coffee shop chains. Quality reigns above quantity, a promise that I truly admire but wanted to test for myself. If you’re in a rush for a quick cup of joe, then this […]