Everyone can help curb sexual assault

According to the United States Center for Disease Control, between 20 and 25 percent of college women experience sexual assault, attempted rape or rape during their time in college. Rape is a very specific and escalated form of sexual assault that occurs in the United States about every two minutes according to a report by […]

Personal finance IQ pays big dividends

If you think soft money is the dollar bill you dropped in the pool and a stock portfolio is a fancy folder, you’re not alone. Many college students don’t have the kind of personal finance savvy to guide them to a debt-free life. Knowing how to spend, earn and save money is as essential to […]

Man’s best friend is bound by science

With the arrival of warm spring weather, the purse pup is popping up again. Chihuahuas, pugs, terriers and other scantily furred little dogs won’t convulse to death if taken outdoors anymore, so their Los Angeles owners can once again sport them as accessories. You don’t see people wearing kittens, parrots or hamsters. Dogs are unique […]

Convenient approach creates a hot mess

On Monday, the Environmental Protection Agency finalized its study of a permit program designed to curb the release of greenhouse emissions. After evaluating the program for more than a year, the EPA concluded with a decision to delay the factory pollution permits to January 2011. The permit is required for a new factory facility to […]

Mudslinging tactics sully candidate issues

Every morning I go through the same routine: eat breakfast, watch Good Morning America, sit through negative commercials about California’s gubernatorial candidates and go to class. Lately, I have become a victim of pre-election bickering at its worst. Republican candidates Meg Whitman and Steve Poizner have made it clear that they’re running against each other […]