12 stages of packing for thanksgiving break

For those staying local for Thanksgiving, packing is as easy as loading up the car. But for students going back East, or other colder climates around the country, packing can become quite the ordeal. At first you are beyond excited for the cold via GIPHY You fantasize about the sweaters, coats, and boots you’ll wear via […]

Miguel, ILoveMakonnen to perform at Conquest

Artists ILoveMakonnen and Miguel will perform at Conquest, the Undergraduate Student Government Concerts Committee announced Friday. “We decided to go ahead with these two artists because we think that not only are they complementary to one another, but they’re also a really exciting way to bring the community together with a pumped-up, really exciting Makonnen […]

Fun in 2-units or less

While most USC students will only have to take 16 units each semester in order to graduate with a degree in four years, filling in the remaining two units covered by tuition with a fun class can really add some excitement to the regular drone of major and General Education classes. Whether the two units […]

5 awkward moments we’ve all experienced

Awkward situations are, well, awkward. Whether it be an accidental or anticipated scenario, we find ourselves in awkward situations more often than we would like to. That sinking feeling in your stomach when you misinterpret what someone says, or when you do something clumsy in front of someone you like is obviously something we actively […]

Approaching the end of my study abroad semester

When I returned to Shanghai after a weeklong field trip to Sichuan, I realized just how little time I have left in this wonderful city and, rightfully so, got a little emotional. I had just spent a week exploring a new part of China and making friends with people in my program I had not […]

(Not So) Tricky Turtlenecks

With L.A. in the midst of a cold front, it is perfectly acceptable for Californians to hop on fall’s turtleneck trend. Once viewed as an item reserved for soccer moms and librarians, high-necked tops have transcended not only this year’s runways, but also popular culture. From Valentino to Drake, everyone is on board with turtlenecks. […]

Eli’s DT 4-1-1: Week of 11/16

USC News Mental Health: This week, the Daily Trojan staff took a special, in-depth look at mental health at USC. Here’s what we wrote about: Can USG combat USC’s mental health stigma? Minorities face a unique fight with mental health Good-bye, for now: taking a leave of absence Trigger warnings’ spark a battle in the […]

Three tips to avoid acrylamide in home-cooked food

In the world of nutrition, sometimes, it can feel like everything is bad for you. While several studies will caution against the dangers of saturated fats, others might link saturated fats to decreased cardiovascular risk. It can be difficult to navigate through all of this information, especially when it’s conflicting. But there’s one thing that […]